Saturday, November 22, 2008

Pulau Langkawi!!! I'm coming...

Hey... I'm going to Pulau Langkawi tonight! I feel so excited because this is the 1st time I go to a trip with my classmates. Can u imagine how nice is the place there? Nice food? Nice entertainment? Or nice beach? What about the sunrise and the sunset? Are they the most beautiful in that place?! Ah.... Really expect to go by now! Haha.. I sound like a Orang Kampung "Sam Ba Loh". As I said this is the 1st time I go out or to have a trip with my friends, so you can't really blame me. Haha.. I know some of you have been going so many places, recreation and entertainment hotels even oversea as well. Well, U are the most fortunately person that not everyone also has this chance to experience it. So remember to appreciate your life much much ya. Ok, I would like to stop here because i haven't prepared and packed anything yet. Write with u in my coming happily experience soon ya. ^.^ Take care guys!

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