Friday, November 7, 2008

My 18th Birthday(Unforgettable)

Come on! Let's sing "birthday" song to me =)

What a nice cake! Did u try before?

Hey.. Don't spoil the cake, please!!!

I want!!! Go away!!!

Still wan? so greedy! hehe...

Hey..look here! Come to snap photo together^.^

Wow.. What a big drink!

Thank you for Sarah so much!

Your decoration is perfect!!!

Thanks for your cute birthday card tracy^^

and also the lovely stars..

Nice and thanks Ah Meng!
My luxury present!!!
Thanks "smile family", moon and sing!

First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to say "THANK YOU" for all my dear frens who has given me a great wishes, luxury present and a wonderful cake! Thank you very much.
In honesty, I never have a great birthday as this unforgettable year. Besides that, I'm glad that i received a lot of birthday msg from my frens tat day. So touch coz some of them still remember my birthday. Haha.. Well, that day I went to "Wong Kok Cha Chan Teng" after school coz my classmates celebrate birthday with me. I was played by them coz they used the cake to make my face become dirty in order to take some funny photo. haha...But it's ok, it's quite fun also. In short, I would like to say i'm so happy in my 18th birthday and I will appreciate all of u! Lastly, I have to say again "THANK YOU". Wish still can celebrate with u all in my coming birthday year by year...hehe.. Take care guys and happy always! =)


moon is here said...

year by year ?? can !!!
when u r dreaming rite ??
haha !!

meowstergurl said...

lols !
hahahahahaaha ( reaction to moon's comment )

ur welcome yau.. ^^

Kong Yau said...

Don't u know tat dream can come true?